Current Local Time in Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Time in Toronto now

Time in Toronto

In this page you can easily find out the current time in Toronto, Canada. Whether you're a local resident or a traveler planning a trip to Toronto, knowing the exact time is crucial for scheduling appointments, catching flights, or simply planning your day. Our website provides you with up-to-date and accurate information on the current time in Toronto, including the date, time zone, and any Daylight Saving Time changes.

Time Zone in Toronto

Toronto is located in the Eastern Time Zone (ET) of North America, which is also known as Eastern Standard Time (EST) during the winter months and Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) during the summer months. The Eastern Time Zone is five hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-5).

Time Changes in Toronto

Toronto follows daylight saving time, which means that clocks are adjusted forward by one hour on the second Sunday of March each year, and are adjusted backward by one hour on the first Sunday of November each year. During daylight saving time, Toronto observes EDT, which is four hours behind Coordinated Universal Time (UTC-4).

Difference time between Toronto and other world cities

Here's a list of the time difference between Toronto and other major cities around the world, relative to Eastern Daylight Time (EDT) used in Toronto:

  • New York City: 0 hours
  • Los Angeles: -3 hours
  • London: -4 hours
  • Paris: -5 hours
  • Beijing: +12 hours
  • Tokyo: +13 hours
  • Sydney: +14 hours

Difference time between Toronto and other Canadian cities

Here's a list that shows the time difference between Toronto and other major Canadian cities:

  • Montreal: 0 hours
  • Vancouver: -3 hours
  • Calgary: -2 hours
  • Edmonton: -2 hours
  • Ottawa: 0 hours
  • Winnipeg: -1 hour
  • Quebec City: 0 hours
  • Halifax: -1 hour
  • Victoria: -3 hours

Please note that the time difference can change depending on daylight saving time (DST) and other factors.